The Rain is Finally Here

California has been in a drought for so long, I forgot what it was like to get caught in the rain. The rain is truly relaxing in an ASMR kind of way, but I find myself stopping at the door step. I don't know if it's the slip and slide highway drivers or if it is the way my hair turns to damp frizz, but I am ashamed at how much I've let the much needed water dampen my outdoor activities. 

I'm putting it out into the universe that today, I will start to get out there in rain or shine. 

An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.
— Gilbert K. Chesterton

As spongbob would say: 

Just Sayin' : January should be a 4 day week month ;)

I would love to be able to recharge my creativity in January with a 4 day work week, and a 3 day creative work life. This balance would definitely help to recharge my perspective on everything. However, businesses wouldn't be able to function on revenue from a 4 day work week, but personal growth would be great if it was possible. In retail, many people work longer hours during the holiday months, and they could use the extra time of f during the slow month of January to get read for the month of Lover's (or single awareness month for some). <3 

This is only the beginning...2015

Today is not only the first day of many written errors,

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it is also the beginning of this new place called Lovely.Camera which is where you are now reading about what I plan to work on this year. 

I won't promise daily, weekly, or monthly posts, but I will promise to share anything that I can capture and share. Hopefully I can let you see a little into my daily life, which tends to seem mundane on paper, but often has little gems and nuggets within it (sometimes chicken nuggets too).

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